
Revisiting Dominance Pruning in Decoupled Search

Daniel Gnad


Abstract: In classical planning as search, duplicate state pruning is a standard method to avoid unnecessarily handling the same state multiple times. In decoupled search, similar to symbolic search approaches, search nodes, called decoupled states, do not correspond to individual states, but to sets of states. Therefore, duplicate state pruning is less effective in decoupled search, and dominance pruning is employed, taking into account the state sets. We observe that the time required for dominance checking dominates the overall runtime, and propose two ways to tackle this issue. Our main contribution is a stronger variant of dominance checking for optimal planning, where efficiency and pruning power are most crucial. The new variant greatly improves the latter, without incurring a computational overhead. Moreover, we develop three methods that make the dominance check more efficient: exact duplicate checking, which, albeit resulting in weaker pruning, can pay off due to the use of hashing; avoiding the dominance check in non-optimal planning if leaf state spaces are invertible; and exploiting the transitivity of the dominance relation to only check against the relevant subset of visited decoupled states. We show empirically that all our improvements are indeed beneficial in many standard benchmarks.

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