papertalk is a platform where scientists share a short video presentation (slides with narration) about a paper they have written. In this way, the viewer gets a nice overview about the main idea and can then decide if they want to read the paper, which is linked next to the video.
The presenter has to be one of the authors of the paper so that the content is first-hand and original. Everybody can upload a talk after signing up (see "How to upload a papertalk").
The platform is free, ad-free and developed by volunteers. If you want to contact us, use the contact form.
papertalk originates from the mini-conf format, a great template for creating virtual conferences.
The papers from several virtual conferences, especially in machine learning, are presented here. If you are one of the authors of a paper or the presenter of the talk and want to manage your upload, see "How to manage an externally embedded papertalk" in the FAQ.