
Swift: Delay is simple and effective for congestion control in the datacenter

Gautam Kumar, Nandita Dukkipati, Keon Jang, Hassan M. G. Wassel, Xian Wu, Behnam Montazeri, Yaogong Wang, Kevin Springborn, Christopher Alfeld, Michael Ryan, David Wetherall, Amin Vahdat

Keywords: Datacenter Transport, Congestion Control, Performance Isolation

Abstract: We report on experiences with Swift congestion control in Google datacenters. Swift targets an end-to-end delay by using AIMD control, with pacing under extreme congestion. With accurate RTT measurement and care in reasoning about delay targets, we find this design is a foundation for excellent performance when network distances are well-known. Importantly, its simplicity helps us to meet operational challenges. Delay is easy to decompose into fabric and host components to separate concerns, and effortless to deploy and maintain as a congestion signal while the datacenter evolves. In large-scale testbed experiments, Swift delivers a tail latency of <50μs for short RPCs, with near-zero packet drops, while sustaining  100Gbps throughput per server. This is a tail of <3x the minimal latency at a load close to 100

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